ID: 8479
KR name: 초롱아귀
icon - Crafting Materials
Weight: 8.00 LT
Lifespan: 1d
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
An ingredient that can be obtained through Fishing. Trade Managers will buy it at a very high price.
- Prize Catch

※ You can sell the fish you caught to Trade Managers located in major towns and cities.
The footballfish is a species of deep sea anglers that generally do not swim to the surface. Despite its strange appearance, the footballfish has a delicate taste. Some nobles will purchase a footballfish at a high price to add it to their collection.
- Footballfish
Fish Guide:
- Footballfish
Buy price: 80,000,000coin
Sell price: -
Repair price: -
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TVorace 14-02-2024 01:37
Selon, il semblerait qu'il y ait une faible chance de le pêcher en plein Margoria.
Tenter sa chance au niveau de Cholace Chico

Titres : aucun / titles : none
hyko23 28-03-2024 12:20
Got one afk fishing at Kamasylvia Castle
Tsoth 11-09-2024 21:18
Confirmed. Now it looks like it's a fish you can get possibly anywhere(maybe not Odylitta though), at least according to the old BDO fish map, but the fact is I have fished plenty in the other seas and never caught it ever and then I fished like 4 nights at kama castle and finally got it so anyone seeking to complete their fish guide and get the knowledge, go there.

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