ID: 790678
Garmoth's Roaring Reward Bundle
KR name: 울림의 가모스 보상 꾸러미
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A bundle that resonates with Garmoth's roar. You can sense Garmoth's energy within it.
Press RMB to obtain several of the following items according to a set probability.
Garmoth's Horn
Garmoth's Heart
Advice of Valks (+30)
Advice of Valks (+40)
Combined Magic Crystal - Macalod
Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom
Combined Magic Crystal - Gervish
Kagtum Submission Ring
Akum Helmet
Akum Armor
Akum Gloves
Akum Shoes
Caphras Stone Bundle
Garmoth's Scale x2-3
Gold Bar 1,000G
Gold Bar 100G x1
Gold Bar 10G x1-2
Gold Bar 1G x4-10
Cron Stone x2-3
Black Stone x1-5
Black Energy Residue
Stabilized Magical Black Stone
Cleansed Magical Black Stone
Pure Magical Black Stone
Hunter's Seal x3-7
You'll get your Boss Reward.
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ID   Title Level Region EXP Skill EXP Contribution EXP Quest Rewards REWARD_TYPES SUBTYPE
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