ID: 762
Elixir of Shock
KR name: 충격의 비약
icon Consumable
Weight: 0.50 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction available
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
- Description:
An elixir with an offensive function.

- Usage: Gain the following effects

- Effects:
Critical Hit +2

- Duration: 10 min
- Cooldown: 1 sec
- For up to 5 party members

- How to Obtain: Craft via an Alchemy Tool in your residence with the following materials if at least Alchemy Apprentice 1.
Clown's Blood x1
Tiger Mushroom x5
Powder of Time x3
Cedar Sap x7

※ Craft Elixir of Shock for a low chance to obtain Elixir of Strong Shock if at least Alchemy Professional 1.
Alchemy Ingredients: Blood of Clown x1 + Tiger Mushroom x5 + Powder of Time x3 + Cedar Tree Sap x7

In Alchemy, it is said that every substance holds its own mysterious power. Alchemists extract and synthesize these powers from the ingredients to create elixirs bearing special abilities. It is an elixir made of blood of clown and other materials. Elixir of Shock increases the chance of Critical Hit Rate for a certain amount of time.
Usage effect:
[Party] Elixir of Shock

- Elixir of Shock

In-game market price:
NA: 112,000 In Stock: 49390
EU: 108,000 In Stock: 29615
NA Console: 94,000 In Stock: 10222
EU Console: 61,000 In Stock: 7999

Buy price: 5,547coin
Sell price: 1,849
Repair price: -
Sort by: Rating Date
Anonymous 20-06-2016 15:57
1x Clown's Blood
5x Tiger Mushroom
7x Cedar Sap
3x Powder of Time
Useit266 23-05-2023 13:37
Guru 2, for ~20k potions 100% success with the following Mushroom substitution:
5x White Grade or
2x Big Tiger or
2x Green Grade or
1x Blue Grade

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