ID: 42543
Sylvia's Silver Coin
KR name: 실비아의 은주화
icon General
Weight: 0.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A silver coin that shines brilliantly. It is awarded to those who have contributed to Kamasylvia, by the Queen herself.
May the blessing of Goddess Sylvia steep within your soul, and your path be filled with joy and prosperity.

※ Keep this item in your inventory to accept additional quests in Kamasylvia on the day that the Luthraghon arrive.
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SoggyCow 4-06-2020 20:54
Allows you to get the Quest:"Leaves of Grace" (by Lanka)

Quest:"Leaves of Grace":
Reward: 100 Contribution EXP + Lanka's Green Gemstone Bundle
- Speak with "Kamasylve" (tree next to the NPC)

Following Quest: "[Daily]Lanka and Kamasylve"
Reward: 100 Contribution EXP + Lanka's Green Gemstone Bundle
- Speak with "Kamasylve" (tree next to the NPC)

"Lanka's Green Gemstone Bundle" includes one of the following (tests):
- 7x Resplendant Emerald (2 tries)
Zzeta 11-01-2021 14:19
При наличии в инвентаре даёт возможность получить задание Листок милосердия у нпс Лент.
Требуется для открытия ежедневного задания [Ежедневно] Лент и Камасильв
PANX0 10-02-2021 04:38
Te permite obtener la misión: "Hojas de gracia" (de Lanka)

Misión: "Hojas de gracia":
Recompensa: 100 EXP de contribución + Paquete de piedras preciosas verdes de Lanka
- Habla con "Kamasylve" (árbol junto al NPC)

Siguiente misión:
Recompensa "[Diario] Lanka y Kamasylve" : 100 EXP de contribución + Paquete de piedras preciosas verdes de Lanka
- Habla con "Kamasylve" (árbol junto al NPC)

"Paquete de piedras preciosas verdes de Lanka" incluye una de las siguientes (pruebas):
- 7x Esmeralda resplandeciente (2 intentos)

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