ID: 296
Nightmare Fragment
KR name: 악몽의 파편
icon Special Items
Weight: 1.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
It recalls past nightmares from Altar of Blood.

- If you have the item, you can use it to retry the Altar of Blood stage you were unable to clear.
- You must have knowledge of the stage you are attempting to retry and of any previous stages (excluding stage 1).
- The effects will not be applied when this item is used outside of Altar of Blood.

- How to Obtain: Use Simple Alchemy in the Processing Window to combine Black Energy Residue x40 and Memory Fragment x1.
Processing Material: Black Energy Residue x40 + Memory Fragment x1

Used to recall the previous nightmare inside the Altar of Blood.
- Nightmare Fragment
Buy price: 100,000coin
Sell price: 10,000
Repair price: -

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