ID: 1681
Ninjutsu: Blade Spin
KR name: 인술 : 회전 칼날
icon Skill
Class: Ninja

Jump up and spin fast to inflict a huge amount of damage to the enemies, and then shoot a powerful wave ahead when landing on the ground to attack multiple enemies.
Can be added to a Quick Slot
Can be used with your sura katana

Required Level: 30 or Higher
- Required MP: 50
Cooldown: 15s

Attack damage 1992% x2
Extra attack damage 1046% x3
Accuracy Rate +25%
Maximum 10 targets
Super Armor during the skill
Floating on hits (PvE only)
Air Attack
Down Attack
Down Smash on extra attack hits
Attack 1 damage -39.9% in PvP only
Extra attack damage -39.9% in PvP only

Extra AP Against Monsters +30 for 12 sec
Extra Damage to Humans +15 for 12 sec
All DP +20 for 15 sec
All Evasion Rate +5% for 15 sec
All Accuracy Rate +5% for 12 sec
Critical Hit Rate +30% for 12 sec
Attack/Casting Speed +10% for 12 sec
Movement Speed +10% for 12 sec
Extra Damage to Humans -15 for 10 sec for target
All DP -20 for 10 sec for target
All Evasion Rate -5% for 10 sec for target
All Accuracy Rate -5% for 10 sec for target
Attack/Casting Speed -5% for 4 sec for target
Movement Speed -5% for 4 sec for target
100 bleeding damage per 3 sec for 15 sec
Instantly recover 35 HP per target
Instantly recover 20 MP/WP/SP per target
15% chance to Down Smash target
15% chance to Air Smash target
Back Attack damage +5% for 7 sec
Down Attack damage +5% for 7 sec
Air Attack damage +5% for 7 sec
Critical Hit damage +5% for 7 sec

ID: 3696
Black Spirit: Ninjutsu: Blade Spin
KR name: 흑정령 : 회전 칼날
icon Skill
Class: Ninja

Black Spirit's Rage
Jump up and spin fast to inflict a huge amount of damage to the enemies, and then shoot a powerful wave ahead when landing on the ground to attack multiple enemies.

Auto-activated when using Blade Spin and consumes Black Spirit's Rage
Black Spirit's Rage -100%

Required Level: 1 or Higher

Attack 1 damage 2245% x4
Attack 2 damage 2245% x4
Attack 3 damage 2284% x3
Critical Hit Rate +100% (PvE only)
Accuracy Rate +25%
Maximum 10 targets
All AP +30 for 60 sec when using the skill
Attack Speed +25% for 60 sec when using the skill
Critical Hit Rate +30% for 60 sec when using the skill
Invincible while concealed
Super Armor on attacks
Floating on hits (Nullified on attack 3)
Air Attack
Down Attack
Down Smash on last attack hits
Damage -57% in PvP only
Injures target with 50% of the damage of a hit.
Dismount target on hits.

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