ID: 66018
Plano de armas antiguas descifrado: Vahmalkea
Nombre coreano: 해독된 고대 병기 설계도 : 바아마키아
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Peso: 0.00 LT
Capacidad: 0.30 VT

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Se pudo descifrar parte de este plano de construcción de armas antiguas gracias al circuito de información especial de Vaha. Por cuestiones de seguridad, está muy bien protegido, lo que ha impedido que se pueda descifrar en su totalidad.

RMB para obtener uno de los conocimientos sobre las armas antiguas especiales de Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea.
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• Volver a adquirir el conocimiento aprendido no aumentará el grado del conocimiento existente. Puedes borrar este conocimiento a través de Gestionar conocimientos del Distribuidor.
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Tsoth 4-04-2023 21:57
Be aware that if you're insane like me and need to have S knowledge on every mob, getting S knowledge on all the Vahmalkea mobs will take you quite a while. I'm missing apex lucretia and i've easily made around 250 of these scrolls. Also, the drop rate of the chips is higher if you do the legit vahmalkea and not the solo version, so what i recommend if you're not doing it in a group is to just go through the easy mobs. I am not certain if the drop rate buffs work on those. I've read one place online saying it does but it was not an official source. PA DID make a list that can be found online of what is affected by drop rate buffs and what isn't, but somehow Atoraxxion doesn't appear anywhere on the list.

Also as far as I know, all the knowledge obtainable from these scrolls can ONLY be obtained from these scrolls, killing the mobs won't work (and in the case of Apex Lucretia, they're not even a mob you can kill anyway)

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