ID: 6856
Wunderschöner Groll in voller Blüte
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Kategorie: Abenteuertagebuch von Balenos II

– Beschreibung:
Manchmal sieht man das Schimmern der Wildblumen in der Ehwazebene. Es wird gesagt, dass es sich dabei um die Seelen unschuldiger Kinder handle, die unter Bartali dem III. geopfert wurden.
Kann nach Abschluss der Hauptquest Balenos durch [Dialog] erhalten werden
Emma Bartali weiß etwas über die unglücklichen Ereignis auf dem Ehwazhügel.
Erhalten von:
- Wunderschöner Groll in voller Blüte
Erhalten von:
icon - [Balenos] Lichterfüllte Wildblumen
icon - [Balenos] Lichterfüllte Wildblumen
icon - Die blühenden Blumen bei den Ruinen
icon - [Balenos] Lichterfüllte Wildblumen
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Anonymous 2-07-2016 01:02
Anyone able to complete this? I can go to the cave at night, Emma is there, the ghost is there, but nothing happens. I do not have a "flower" object in my inventory, which seems like a departure from other quests in this game.
Anonymous 14-07-2016 07:51
The quest is working. Found flower around showed place at around 10:05 PM game time. Finished quest, got knowledge.
Anonymous 24-04-2017 19:55
I have the same problem here, I talked to the flower at daytime, then went to the spot at night but nothing happens :/
suemccartin 12-08-2018 04:36
you go to the cave the first time after you meet emma at the farm. then you go again after getting the flower in the marked spot just keep walking around the building and scan all over the place you'll find it. It doesn't appear until 10 pm not just after dark it has to be ten pm or later to appear.

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