ID: 4535/30
[Entscheidung] Was Ihr noch über Gongklad wissen solltet
KR Name: [선택] 공클러드에겐 이런 사실도 있소
icon Quest
Gebiet: Mediah
Kategorie: Allgemeine Quest
Typ: Familienquest
Stufe: 1

Erste Quest in der Reihe:
icon - Von Sausan überfallene Späher
Vorherige Quest in der Reihe:
icon - [Entscheidung] Beweise gegen Gongklad
Nächste Quest in der Reihe:
icon - Mit den Wahnsinnigen zusammenarbeiten

Start NPC:
Abgabe NPC:
icon - Kunga

– Beschreibung:
Die gesammelten Beweise sind womöglich nicht genug. Berichtet Kunga, was zwischen Euch und Gongklad vorgefallen ist.

– Wenn [Entscheidung] Beweise gegen Gongklad abgeschlossen wurde, ist es nicht mehr möglich [Entscheidung] Was Ihr noch über Gongklad wissen solltet anzunehmen.
– Diese Quest ist nur einmal pro Familie verfügbar.

Er würde ja nicht einfach sagen, dass wir nicht genug tun
und uns dann mehr arbeiten lassen, oder?
Das wäre wirklich nervig ...
Oh, da war doch das eine Mal, wo wir Gongklad dabei halfen,
den Dunkelroten Kristall zu stehlen.
Wenn wir erklären würden, dass Gonklad uns dazu gezwungen hat,
müsste das doch alles auflösen oder?
– Wenn [Entscheidung] Was Ihr noch über Gongklad wissen solltet
abgeschlossen wurde, ist es nicht mehr möglich,
[Entscheidung] Beweise gegen Gongklad anzunehmen.

Lasst uns ihm einfach alles erzählen und es endlich hinter uns bringen.
Wir können eh keine weiteren Beweise mehr finden.

Was ist das? Dieser Stein wurde unter dem Grab gefunden?
Verflucht noch eins! Dies ist ein Stein, der Leichen schneller verrotten lässt.
Ist das eins dieser schmierigen Schemen von Gongklad?
Ich muss dies genauer untersuchen.
Was? Ihr seid derjenige, der den Dunkelroten Kristall gestohlen hat.
Ich fragte mich bereits, wer dieses Scheusal sei...
Am liebsten würde ich Euch so richtig klatschen, aber da Gongklad der Dratzieher ist
und Ihr uns geholfen habt, dies ans Tageslicht zu bringen,lasse ich Euch noch mal davon kommen.

Abschlussziel: Kunga
- Berichtet Kunga, was zwischen Euch und Gongklad vorgefallen ist
Erforderliche Schritte:
  1. Triff den NPC: Kunga

- Beitrags-EP (250)
- Goldbarren 10 g
- EP (100)
Quest Voraussetzungen
Sortiert nach: Wertung Datum
nbanyan 9-04-2022 09:44
I just verified that taking this quest ends the quest chain. Gongklad does not have another quest for you either after this (no Working with the Wicked quest).
caminashell 18-09-2023 20:00
Accepting this quest and speaking to Kunga seemed to be the last quest for me. The first crossroad I selected in chain was [Crossroad] The Revealed Scheme of the Wicked. I do not think that selecting the other crossroad choice will necessarily "continue" the chain - but depend on the earlier crossroad you chose.

So here is what I think happened...

I believe that either quest may not continue the chain further unless you sided with Gongklad by selecting the first - [Crossroad] Gongklads Companion.

I can only presume most people "spam R" and do not read storyline, and expect things to work as outlined in codex chains. One crossroad does not follow another in this (and likely other) chains, yet it is oddly indicated so on codex. Furthermore, since you may have "spammed R", you would have selected the honest crossroad, which I think would lock out quests passed this point, regardless of if you choose this or the other.

The crossroad quests give player a choice of path in the story, and will either lock or unlock later quests depending on what was chosen. I learnt this completing the Balenos storyline (multiple times) to acquire knowledge completion.

By selecting the first "[Crossroad] The Revealed Scheme of the Wicked", you chose to be lawful and not wicked, therefore I think that is why you cannot progress later to "Working with the Wicked" because you did not work together in the first place and therefore have nothing to celebrate with him.

Most of the quests from Gongklad I think will come if you choose to work with him.

Additionally, as a side note, the "Dark Red Crystal" that you mention to Kunga, you actually took from an Assassin as instructed by Gongklad much earlier before in quest "Gongklads Suggestion".

I think that if the above turns out to be correct, a notice comment for crossroad selection should be added to the first quest in the chain.

N.B. This site seems to get cranky over apostrophes :eyeroll:
Ace 5-06-2022 08:45
This page is misleading. Taking this quest DOES end the quest chain. You will lose 2,250 CP EXP by taking this quest and ending the chain early. Choose "[Crossroad] Presenting Evidence Against Gongklad" to continue the chain.
Proteo 30-07-2021 01:01
All of previous comments are trolls, you need to pick this one. If you look, there are more quests in this path, being the next one Working with the Wicked.
Quezako 30-07-2021 01:16
Maybe you can ask before telling that I'm a troll and downvoting?
\"If you look, there are more quests in this path, being the next one Working with the Wicked.\"
Where did you saw that?
EDIT after 24h: since you do not answer and you do not prove that you are right, I downvote your comment.
SaferMurderweapon 13-07-2023 19:04
Maybe you could not spread misinformation in the first place especially given it's a once per family chain
Quezako 13-07-2023 19:07
Or maybe it was a different chain before?
Anyway, telling that we are trolling without asking why we said that in 2020 is just unpolite.
SaferMurderweapon 13-07-2023 18:56
I can confirm that taking "Presenting evidence" ending the chain early
Quezako 2-03-2020 00:58
Don't take "[Crossroad] You Should also Know this About Gongklad" or it will end the quest chain.
Cliffyx 7-06-2020 20:37
DO NOT PICK "[Crossroad] You Should also Know this About Gongklad", if you don't want to end this quest!, you can't get those all extra reward, all those free amity gone!

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