ID: 9847
Tales of Crow's Nest
icon Knowledge
Category: Crow of the Misty Island

- Description:
He claimed that there was a power across the Great Ocean that could resurrect a cold corpse. The reason why this could not be dismissed as some absurdity, was because a member of the Crow Merchant Guild who traded with the Sausans claimed to have seen the ritual himself. So, where did the body of Shultz, the hero of Sausan and the greatest gladiator of the Altinova Arena, disappear to? Goyen's Mercenaries were hired by Dandelion and became lost to histories long past.

The famous Lagon Mercenaries from Valencia...Bern Mercenaries who decided to follow their own beliefs and parted ways from Calpheon and Valencia...Why did the Crow Coins appear in their place after their solemn disappearances? Why were their flags and emblems discovered once more on the distant and mysterious misty island of Crow's Nest?

Have you heard the caw-caw cries of crows that swallow even the sound of raging waves? They seem to say 'Come to me, come to me.' and lures you into a mist so thick you cannot see your own hands. Though you see ships go in, no ship comes out. You will never hear from them again, yet there are no shipwrecks found either. Could the misty island where even the most seasoned sailors get lost be a portal to another realm where there is no coming back?
Can be obtained through [Quest] from Lv. 56
Listen to Velia's Blacksmith Tranan Underfoe tell a strange tale from the Great Ocean.
Obtained from:
icon - [Crow's Nest] Time-catching Ghost

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