ID: 9326
Danuman the Treacherous Sage
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Category: Great Desert Expedition Log V

- Description:
There is a name that the people of Valencia and the Awakened do not wish speak of. It is Danuman, the Treacherous Sage.
Danuman was the wisest and most affluent of the Awakened. He was by the side of the thirteenth and the fourteenth great kings, before the fifteenth king, Torme Nesser, sat upon the throne.
The people used to call Danuman, "The Sage of the Desert." They would travel through the most dangerous desert just to receive his teachings.
However, he incidentally encountered the Salamanto scripture. He became infatuated with the dark wisdom within the Salamanto and secretly studied its contents.
As he became more immersed in the Salamanto, he would act like a normal sage in the morning and secretly write a book based on the Salamanto at night, to teach the young.
His version of the Salamanto could easily be understood by children yet could also draw in well educated adults.
Danuman had yet to complete the book when he was caught. However, the book was well hidden somewhere in Valencia and could not be found.
Although Danuman was supposed to be executed after being caught by the joint forces of the Awakened and those of the 14th king, Imur, due to his previous accomplishments and contributions, he was instead exiled to the desert instead.
Even after many generations has passed, people are reluctant to say his name and or dare wonder about his eventual fate.
Can be obtained through [Quest] Danuman the Treacherous Sage
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Mirita 6-10-2023 23:25
Start with The Annals of Cloran knowledge.

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