ID: 763
icon Knowledge
Category: Node Managers (Balenos Sea)

- Description:
Arens and his friends always dreamed adventuring so they bought a boat and sailed away into the great unknown. But their boat got stuck on a rock, and they eventually became castaways on Orffs Island. They worked hard to survive there for a few days but got tired of it pretty quickly. They ultimately grew hostile with one another during the rigors of such an experience. One day Arens announced at the top of his lungs, "I'll never go on an adventure with you guys again!" They all broke into a mass of fists, rolling around along the shoreline. Their daily routine now consists of an endless cycle of fighting, resting, and eating.

Orffs Island Node Manager
Sea Node Manager
Obtained from:
- Arens
Obtained from:
- Arens

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