ID: 6862
Remembering Hanna
icon Knowledge
Category: Balenos Adventure Log II

- Description:
Ahh, my poor, lonely Hanna.
My dear niece, lovely and beautiful to the very end.
A spring's courtship blossomed into summer romance,
which bore fruit like autumn, only for the suitor to coldly part like winter.
You persevered alone to rear your child, only for the king to steal him away,
falling victim to an aged fool's selfish ambitions seeking eternal life...
The world came crashing down, but I shall remember Hanna forever.
Even as I clean the nursing bottle she couldn't heat up for a final time...
- From the journal of Cron period records found in the Velia Ossuary -
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
Obtained from:
- Grudging Soul of Cron Cave
Obtained from:
icon - Nightmares Revealed
icon - [Balenos] Nightmare of Cron Castle
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Anonymous 29-10-2017 18:41
For those too lazy to look it up:
Need to complete quest chain starting with "What's Up With the Closed Stable?" to open quest "Nightmare Revealed".
Also earlier quest requires to have at least 55 level, 260 contribution points and 100 amity with Lara

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