ID: 6459
A Site to Pray for a Brother
icon Knowledge
Category: The Golden Age of the Papus

- Description:
A site where a young Papu prayed for his brother who was setting off first on a sea voyage.

It is also the place where he promised to set off on a journey himself to find his brother, and after traveling all over the world, to return to the island once more.
Can be obtained through [Quest]
A young Papu once had a brother, but he fell due to an accident, yet the young Papu still believes his brother is alive. Where could have this story come from? Find out at Panipani Village.
Obtained from:
icon - Shell Letter With the Child's Heart
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gabrielgga123 7-07-2020 23:58
BestiyaRos 29-05-2022 20:41
Начните со знания "Разбитая лодка",при его выполнении появится линейка из нескольких квестов,которая автоматом приведет вас к знанию "Место молитв о брате".

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