ID: 6195
Calpheon Workshop Apprentice Recruitment
icon Knowledge
Category: Calpheon City Adventure Log I

- Description:
Calpheon Workshop is constantly recruiting apprentices. Apprentices do menial chores around the workshop while experiencing the entire system of production. The always short-handed workshop is solving its manpower issues through this system.
Can be obtained through [Quest] for Lv. 50 and higher
Grandus, an Armor Vendor in Calpheon City, seems to be very upset. What's going on?
Obtained from:
- Calpheon Workshop Apprentice Recruitment
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henneck 15-05-2018 04:10
Iniciar sequencia de quest em Grandus vendedor de armadura.
cheekiyaya 30-12-2023 22:23
Go to Grandus(Armor Vendor) and get quest : Faulty Shield.

Chain of quests:
1. Faulty Shield
2. One-Day Workshop Experience
3. Check Out Iron Ore
4. Magnetite in Storage
5. Workshop Forge

After completing #5, the knowledge "Refining a Steel Sword" will be available.

Continue the quest for the next knowledge.
6. Workshop Refining Technique

After completing #6, the knowledge "Calpheon Workshop Refining Method" will be available.

Continue the quest for the next knowledge.
7. Finished Goods Delivery
8. Apprentice Manager Certificate

After completing #8, the knowledge "Calpheon Workshop Apprentice Recruitment" will be available.

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