ID: 5946
Eternal Domination
icon Knowledge
Category: Star's End Adventure Log III

- Description:
After the Valkyrie Enslar stopped the cultists' attempt to resurrect Kzarka, the survivors climbed up the rocky mountain seeking safety. There they discovered an ancient temple so colossal that they could not tell whether it was a dream or reality. The size of the temple was incomparable even to the Calpheon Shrine they had built themselves. The place was old and decrepit, but there was no doubt that their god had been worshipped here since ancient times.

Forget your past failures and purify your hearts, for there is no need for foul sacrifices. The pure ancient energy of this place will bring forth the day. But know that this will be your one and only chance. Pray, agonize and hope.

The cultists laid low for decades and became a part of the temple. They were lost in time, forgetting who they were or where they were, all the while praying day and night with only one thing on their mind.

One day someone came along, pitying those that had lost themselves, and breathed into the flame of despair. That night a giant light appeared in the night sky and approached them fast, and when the light struck, the cultists began dancing with joy as if the door to heaven had opened.


But as they were blinded by the intense light and their bodies began to burn, they finally awoke after years of darkness. However, there was nothing they could do. They had long forgotten the name of the god they were praying to blindly. Just like the deserted ancient temple that stood there for decades, all they could do was take on the unknown light that befell upon them.
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
Star's End
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icon - [Star's End] Eternal Loop

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