ID: 5703
Mystic's Memory, Banha's Tears #1
icon Knowledge
Category: Awakening Weapons

- Description:
There were three strange and enormous trees floating in the middle of the ocean.

Perhaps it was a mirage caused by the thick fog over the ocean, but one of the men on the boat with me thought different. The man adjusted his cap, then started telling those of us on-board a curious story that had spread across world.

It was a story about the beginning of time, when three dragons created the world. The golden dragon flew to the skies above and embroidered the stars. The night dragon governed the earth and together with water dragon created a paradise on earth. When these three dragons appear above the ocean, it is an omen of a great or terrible event. As the story was coming to an end, the boat hit a boulder and sank.

I was alone in this great terrible ocean, and there was not even the tiniest landmass in sight. Numbly, I let myself sink into the dark waters.
Can be obtained through [Quest]
Mystic Awakening Weapon Quest

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