ID: 5501
Memories of a Witch, Labreve #1
icon Knowledge
Category: Awakening Weapons

- Description:
Wizards, or Sages, as they prefer to call themselves, have appeared on this land not too long ago.

Contemporary scholars, however, argue that the existence of Sages can be traces far back to the ancient times.

In a world far away from this world, there was a circle of knowledge seekers specializing in supernatural phenomena.
Knowledge was their light, calling, and treasure. Seeking knowledge and truth became quite literally the most noble cause of their lives.

The community was divided into several schools throughout the history.

The Godr-Ayed Thea, specializing in ancient elements, was the most powerful and respected school of Sages.

There was also another school of thought focused on the earth and lightning elements. The school was called Labreve, and it only consisted of witches, female Sages.
Can be obtained through [Quest]
Witch Awakening Weapon Quest

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