ID: 4697
Is that so...? The princess is safe... What a relief.
Not being able to see her off on her final journey left me with regret,
showing the unworthy side of myself, as a warrior...
If I had one final wish... it's to see the princess with my own eyes... - Biwon -

General Biwon, who worried about the princess until his dying moment, was informed of her safety. He passed away peacefully after confirming the princess's golden ring.
icon Knowledge
Chance of obtaining: 2.50%
Category: Creatures of Mediah

- Description:
Can be obtained through [LoML] Tale of Bulgasal Main Questline
The desert is a realm created by Aal.
Obtained from:
- Glish
Obtained from:
- 풀 고슴도치
- 풀 고슴도치

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