ID: 3601
Darkseekers' Retreat
icon Knowledge
Category: Southern Ulukita

- Description:
It's unclear when the Darkseekers first established their presence in Ulukita. However, some suggest they were another faction or tribe that had close ties with the Uluan before Muzgar fell into ruin. Given their ceaseless worship of darkness and night, it's believed they were captivated by the potent and cruel nature of darkness during the Three Days of Darkness that swept over Ulukita, leading them down the path of followership.

One scholar put forth a fascinating theory: Ulukita is the land where the first Bareeds vanquished Kzarka, scattering his blood. Admiring his brilliance, the people of Mediah followed the first King Bareeds to the northern part of Mediah to settle. Meanwhile, the Southern Mediah, tainted with corrupted blood and unable to yield fertile lands, was claimed by other factions. This suggests that some Kzarka worshippers from Serendia, drawn by the legendary tale, chose to settle and live in the land sprinkled with Kzarka's blood. Of course, without concrete evidence or historical records, most reactions to this theory are dismissive, criticizing the scholar for lacking credibility.
Darkseekers' Retreat

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