ID: 13043
Relationship Between Abyssal Veins and Hadum
icon Knowledge
Category: Society of Equilibrium

- Description:
If the Abyssal Veins inherently possess the nature of the Abyss, a reasonable question was raised that it would naturally seem to have a close connection with the evil god, Hadum.

However, according to Wuju, the custodian of the Abyss, he absolutely does not acknowledge Hadum and rather sees it as an opposite.

The abyss of the Magnus is maintained under the premise that "the Abyssal Veins are the shadow of the world", but it is said that this abyss runs a different course from the darkness of Hadum.

From this perspective, the Abyss, which claims to be the shadow of the world, is richly imbued with the diversity of reality. However, Hadum destroys the diversity of reality, guiding only to tragedy.

My conclusion is that I fully agree with the manager's statement that the diverse Abyss does not acknowledge Hadum. - Gorgath
Can be obtained in [Society of Equilibrium]
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MzXN 1-02-2024 08:19

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