ID: 12933
Tomb of Forgotten Records - Secret Guards' Notes II
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Category: Ulukita Wilds Adventure Log II

- Description:
But why Ulukita of all places?

It was assuredly no coincidence of the similarities to Atoraxxion. The latter, once cast aside, would usher in salvation once more... and thus, its very infrastructure was newly adopted. Particularly Protokea, where the Black Stone Archive lay...

Just as Vaha and Syca had gone on their individual journeys and returned, heavily inspired by the outside world, to build their respective biomes... They may have come across such records within Protokea, where the First Stronghold's foundations, prior to Dehkia rebooting his second life, had been inspired by Ulukita itself.

Such records have led them to this very place... all due to the belief in those who had journeyed outside for their salvation's sake.
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Zxien 24-08-2023 01:28
make sure to hit r 3 times on this item, it gives 3 bits of knowledge
Furubayashi 29-08-2023 14:05
Interact it 3 times for all 3 knowledges.



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