ID: 12873
Contract and Strategy
icon Knowledge
Category: Northern Ulukita Adventure Log II

- Description:
Mercenaries who are skilled in combat tend to ignore the money games of the merchant guild, but in reality, contracts and strategies are just one step apart. The only difference is whether you put your life on the line or pay with money.

While mercenaries excel in life-or-death battles, the merchant guild stands out for cramming all sorts of constraints and irrationalities into contracts. Even if the Sezec mercenaries question why their lives are only worth this much, they can show documents and pass on the responsibility, claiming it was their own choice.
Can be obtained through [Interaction]
- Sezec Mercenary Camp
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Furubayashi 25-08-2023 13:51
Navigate to Burhan NPC, and go to second floor.


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