ID: 12869
Negotiation on Employment Contracts
icon Knowledge
Category: Northern Ulukita Adventure Log II

- Description:
Burhan is the representative of the mercenaries who have taken control of the highlands, and he leads periodic negotiations with the Shen Merchant Guild regarding mercenary contracts. However, he always faces difficulties due to his appearance that seems to require some distance, and his lack of proficiency in the language of humans, which is peculiar to barbarians. Burhan also feels the need for a proxy, but he knows that there is no suitable talent among the rough and rugged Sezec mercenaries, so he has no choice but to negotiate himself.

That's why Burhan has been studying writing recently. He organizes his thoughts, communicates his intentions clearly, and tries not to be deceived by the skilled words of the other party...
Can be obtained through [Interaction]
- Sezec Mercenary Camp
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Furubayashi 25-08-2023 13:48
Navigate to Burhan NPC on the same floor.


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