ID: 12846
Ulukita, Wanted by the Rich and Powerful
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Category: Northern Ulukita Adventure Log I

- Description:
Asparkan Fort has officially been completed, but there is still an unfinished area. Currently, it is being used to accommodate petty criminals who are not suitable for sending to prison. There are rumors that prisoners are more afraid of being confined in the fortress than in the prison, due to the horrible environment with constantly flying sharp stone and dust particles.

There are various speculations about the purpose of this place once it is completed, but the most popular story that resonates with people is that it will become a lodging for Neruda's soldiers.

Some question why Premier Neruda Shen needs soldiers in the first place, but officially, the soldiers of Mediah are not for the Premier but for the people of Mediah. Considering the possibility that mercenaries can betray for money at any time, the hypothesis is to place soldiers in the deepest part of the fortress to exert a strong influence on Ulukita.
Can be obtained through [Interaction]
- Asparkan Fort
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GARYOSAVAN 24-08-2023 12:07

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Added by Pannettone (27-08-2023)