ID: 12679
Dahn's Gloves and the Flame of Hongik
icon Knowledge
Category: Morning Light Collection of Tales I

- Description:
He left behind two legacies in this world, one being Dahn's Gloves, and the other being the Flame of Hongik.
But in the Land of the Morning Light, the gloves he used to vanquish the Dark Bonghwang disappeared without a trace, and only the Flame of Hongik shine brightly with the will to guide humanity on a better path.
Gloves with the power to fell the Dark Bonghwang who ruled the skies stretched out thousands of miles... Its disappearance must surely be the intentions of Go Dahn, the Mountain Deity King...

Legends speak of a warrior who shall inherit the resolve of Go Dahn and set ablaze the Flame of Hongik, in a future where dark energies threaten the safety of these lands once more.
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taina 2-07-2023 06:23
Alguém achou esse? Procurei a beça na localização dada e nada ...
0815_ICE 21-08-2023 21:00
yes found the knowledge you have to do the quest line for the distorted Dahn's gloves from the black spirit

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