ID: 11411
Father and Son
icon Knowledge
Category: Abyss Adventure Log II

- Description:
I was someone without roots. One who came up like a weed in a land ravaged by war.
We who were weeds were fed, bathed, dressed, and trained into mercenaries. We were thankful to him, the one we called "father," and followed him without question.

Our fame as mercenaries grew, and one day, an envoy from the Kingdom of Dandelion arrived. They requested our aid in assaulting the Kingdom of Lakhsi.
We accepted. Like always, father carried his greatsword and led us from the vanguard.

We laid waste to all that was Lakhsi. For that was what we were paid to do. In an instant, we had the once mighty forces of Lakhsi by the throat. And yet... what waited for us there... was a dark and deep monstrosity... awaiting an offering.
It was a ruse set for us by the Kingdom of Dandelion. At that moment, father chose to confront the beast alone. Without hesitation, he commanded our band of mercenaries to disband.

So we fled... his unscathed back turned to us as we ran. At that moment, I cried out to our father.
"The name of Goyen... shall never be forgotten! His beating heart shall live on in his sons for eternity! We shall- we must recover... the greatsword of our father... Goyen's greatsword!!" Or so I had cried out, and yet...

- From a warrior's memories of that fateful day -
Can be obtained through [Abyss One: The Magnus Main Questline]
Obtained from:
icon - [The Magnus] Unforgettable
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uthixxx 20-10-2022 00:07
how tf you get this? i finished magnus and both journals, and still didn't get this
Kurokun 20-10-2022 05:25
Complete Abyss main questline on Warrior.
uthixxx 20-10-2022 13:03
urgh really, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
apache666 20-10-2022 15:02
Did You get that knowledge? And also if You did both journals where did You find Jordine in serendia for And They Lived Happily Ever After? #3. Thanks in advance.
Fasi 21-10-2022 00:34
West of the node Southwestern Gateway, at the end of the river.
DanNazg 21-08-2023 23:52
Можно получить завершив основную цепочку заданий «Abyss One: Магнус» только классом Воин.

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