ID: 11258
Fear of the Death
icon Knowledge
Category: Yolunakea Expedition Log II

- Description:
"That's makes no sense. Weapons cannot feel fear of death. Oh, yes! Great work! Say... there's something odd that I noticed while watching you fight. Do you remember the final weapon, Amarillos? Well it just... bolted. You went to town on it! Smashing it to smithereens! Could you not feel it shaking madly in its final moments?

And even at its wit's end, it fled like a bat out of hell! There is no other weapon like it in the world.
Weapons shouldn't be capable of fearing death. Look here... they're generally all designed like this... Huh.. wait... I feel an unusual pulse here.

Oh see! Just now! It's as if it's using all its might to take a final breath. - Lafi
Can be obtained through [Atoraxxion: Yolunakea Main Quest]

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