ID: 11177
Yolu's Records #5: Epicenter of the Coming Future
icon Knowledge
Category: Yolu's Records - Childhood

- Description:
Master visited me before he left for the world outside. I was unsure if I'd do well. He laughed and encouraged me.

"My dearest Yolu. When your time comes, mystical stones called 'lightstones' will be laid out for you. You are the one who will lead the future. Therefore, for the sake of our future, please devote your research to those stones. And when I return to this stronghold, I will conduct research together with Orze and you."

You know what? I'm actually glad that I will be accompanied by Orze, rather than Vaha or Syca. This may be an opportunity to get to know her better.
Atoraxxion: Amarillos

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