ID: 11167
Erethea, the Witch of Erasure #1
icon Knowledge
Category: Awakening Weapons

- Description:
Labreska, the tyrant who ruled over the Dragonkin with a claw honed tight around their hearts. The other Dragons lived in hiding, away from Labreska, beneath the eclipsing shadow of the golden mountain. Even after Labreska experienced her first death, losing her wings as penance for challenging the authority of gods with the Ynix, the dark age of Dragonkind did not wane...

The Seven Witches born from Labreska's first death bore the "seven wisdom to slay Dragons"... Of those, the most unique power belonged to the Seventh Witch, Erethea. For hers was the wisdom to "erase the fear of Dragons."

- An Old Denizen at Macalod Hill Tavern -
Can be obtained through [Quest]
Drakania Awakening Weapon Quest

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