ID: 11164
Erethea, the Witch of Erasure #4
icon Knowledge
Category: Awakening Weapons

- Description:
Although she appeared powerless, her past slaughter of countless Dragons had filled her heart with their life energies, which would produce the power required to bring the golden mount to ruin, or so she claimed. And her heart, overflowing with such mighty strength, required a vessel to bear it all...

Apparently, my distant ancestor bore witness to that ritual itself. A young Dragon chose to tear out one of his eyes, and its pupil, a ravenous hole, swallowed the abandoned witch, Erethea, whole...

Time past, and then a very special Dragon was born... By the eye of Markthanan and the heart of Erethea came the last hope of Dragonkind...

- An Old Denizen at Macalod Hill Tavern -
Can be obtained through [Quest]
Drakania Awakening Weapon Quest
Obtained from:
icon - [Drakania Awakening] Witches and Dragons

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