ID: 11153
Al Yurad's Ring Piece #4
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Category: Great Desert Expedition Log III

- Description:
A piece of Al Yurad's ring that has passed the rigorous inspection of Shakatu, the richest man alive. Thanks to his efforts regarding the crafting process, the rings have become easier to assemble.
For the future of trade in the desert, Shakatu invested droves of his fortune in research and successfully restored the Rich Merchant's Ring of Valencia's most talented trader, Al Yurad. Apparently Shakatu had to rely on the power of the black transportation device randomly found in the Valencian sands.
Rumor has it that too many naive Adventurers had fallen to graverobbers and thugs offering fake pieces of the Rich Merchant's Ring, thus forcing Shakatu to take action and inspect these pieces himself.
Ring Piece

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