ID: 11139
Grusha's Dream
icon Knowledge
Category: Balenos Adventure Log II

- Description:
She need know the truth of her grandfather. Despite his aloof demeanor... There's none in all the land who cares for her quite like he does. Infiltrating the forest in that preposterous Goblin getup, all at the command of the chief. For her sake. He sought any means that might rid her of her nightmares. At any cost.

And so, I've made up my mind. Like you, I too shall head out into the world to broaden my horizons. Leaving a feeble scout, and, someday, returning a knight to watch over Her Ladyship. - Grusha Who Chose the Life of a Human -
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
Obtained from:
icon - [Balenos] Farewell, Grusha
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Dan Hot 15-02-2023 19:43
I do this two for the knowledge

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