ID: 10996
Harshan's Last Known Whereabouts II
icon Knowledge
Category: Everfrost Adventure Log III

- Description:
The Ouk Pills were frequently shared between the Abets and the Okjinsini, but Floki claimed all the Okjinisini who consumed the pills died, and that when they returned with the blooming of violets, they were changed and began attacking their brethren. These changed Okjinsini were also responsible for destroying the Leopard totems on the highlands.

Harshan dismissed the whole thing and said that the Abets would never commit such acts of malice. To show his friend that his people had been framed, Harshan took an ouk pill himself to prove the innocence of the Abets. It was to be his final act.
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
- Mountain of Eternal Winter
Obtained from:
icon - [Everfrost] Khan, the Leader of the Abets

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