ID: 10993
History of the Birth of Eilton II
icon Knowledge
Category: Everfrost Adventure Log III

- Description:
Eil continued to trade his Ouk Pills and horses for the old man's stones. He took all the Awina's stones he traded for to the Zvier Highlands. Then one day, on his way to Awina's Tail, Eil came across a large group of humans. They belonged to another Highlands village not far so he asked them "Where are you going?"
"The Great Founder beckons," was the reply.
"Then who will guard the village in your stead?" asked Eil.
The villager considered this.
"Ah! Would you protect it, Eil? We know you to be trustworthy."
That day marked the end of Eil's journeys to Awina's Tail, and the last day any Abets would leave the Zvier Highlands again. That night, a light smoke drifted up from Eilton, from a kiln Eil had constructed out of Awina's stones.
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
- Mountain of Eternal Winter
Obtained from:
icon - [Everfrost] The Hidden Second Story

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