ID: 10950
People Leaving Their Home
icon Knowledge
Category: Everfrost Adventure Log III

- Description:
While seeking a place to roost, Nol, the first of the Hawk Abets, happened upon lands once belonging to the long-departed Marsh, Witch of Swamps. As he neared, he could see the humans who had settled on the clifftops packing up their belongings.

"Why are you departing these lands?" asked he.
To which the humans replied, "These are the lands of the great witch Marsh, who taught us how to bind the ankles of dragons. But the mutants make it such that we can no longer remain here."
"But what brought you to these lands?" asked they.
To which Nol in turn replied, "'Twas my keen eyes that brought me here, having caught the glimmer of a seed shining in the soil of swamps below."

- First of the Hawk Abets - (Vol. 1) People Leaving Their Home -
Can be obtained through [Main Quest]
- Mountain of Eternal Winter
Obtained from:
icon - [Everfrost] The First Story

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