ID: 10694
Syca's Record #18: Letter Not Delivered
icon Knowledge
Category: Syca's Records - Adolescence

- Description:
As I rushed to escape Yolu's biome, I glanced down at the letter and the gift I had brought with me.They were the first things I had made for another person. But the truth I witnessed back there...showed me that none of it mattered.

Had I gotten there earlier and given Yolu my letter, I would have been made a laughing stock. They had already developed feelings for one another without me ever realizing it. How could I have been so blind?

Well, some small part of me can understand Yolu's desire...

But Vaha... Vaha has Orze and still desires Yolu? Is Yolu just a convenience for him since Orze won't commit to him fully? He must be torn to shreds. He must be...He must be...He must be exterminated.

I will not let someone such as him lead us on the final day.
Vaha, everyone must know of your wickedness.
Atoraxxion: Centilutos

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