ID: 10593
Tenao's Cherished Memory
icon Knowledge
Category: The Great Expedition V

- Description:
That day ye left us, Cap'n, I originally planned to stowaway in yer vessel. Lo and behold, I discovered more than half the Slippery Scallywags already hidden there! We caused such a ruckus that ye caught us and had us all kicked off the ship! Queek... We swam after yer fleeting vessel, ye know. A blubbering crowd of tears and saltwater. Even after that, I just missed ye so much that I tried to steal a ship to sail to ye... but I be caught and tossed into a prison in the furthest corner of the isle for a year! Queek!

And yet, I be not the only one, for soon after, Paruo gathered a bunch of us and said we should head to shore! Queek! Upon discovering the Black Scale Piece, we were reminded of the Cap'n's lovely face. Be ye eating all your meals? Be ye taking care of yer health? Be ye guarding yer treasure?... I'm so relieved ye be well. As I always said, one's health comes first. Ye hear? Queek?

- Tenao of the Slippery Scallywags
Can be obtained through [Corsair Succession Quest]
Tenao appears peeved to have found me atop the peak of Elric Shrine.
Obtained from:
icon - [Corsair Succession] A Chance Encounter

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