ID: 10437
Vaha's Records #3: Comforted for the First Time
icon Knowledge
Category: Vaha's Records - Childhood

- Description:
To minimize the damage incurred from the Dark Invaders, I made it known to the master countless times that I needed more knowledge. But it was all in vain. Despite working so hard all this time, he still thinks me unready... I complained to Orze, but she told me not to worry as she took me in her arms.

This was the first time I had been comforted by Orze. Normally it was I who had to tend to her when she was scared or distressed. While she appeared tough on the outside, I knew just how fragile she could be. Oft times when I sat by the lake I'd made for her, Orze would come to me and rest her head on my knees.

She's right. I need to wait a while longer. I know my master will acknowledge my efforts.
Atoraxxion: Urukios and Lucretia

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