ID: 10419
Barrier of Infestation II: Tormented Flesh
icon Knowledge
Category: Barrier of Infestation

- Description:
The broken soul rots while the flesh remains unaware, as the foul stench of corruption slowly arises.

The tormented flesh loses all means of control, as one's spirit and flesh are all surrendered to Hadum, rendering one a slave. A cleansing of one's soul is needed to correct the corruption of the flesh, and yet, as a last resort, the flesh is abandoned in dire moments, leading to the soul being eternally bound. That binding can only be broken by a power that can seize control over the flesh...
Can accept from the quest reward of [Elvia Co-op] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation
Obtained from:
icon - [Elvia] Kzarka: Barrier of Infestation II

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