ID: 10349
Memories of the Calpheon Imperial Auction House #2
icon Knowledge
Category: Calpheon City Adventure Log II

- Description:
Every noble knew that Calpheon's Xian Merchant Guild had pioneered a path through Kamasylvia's borders. The nobles had their eyes set on the beautiful Feather Wolves and colorful feathers of the Ferri... They were willing to pay anything if they could see and touch it.

And of course, the Xian Merchant Guild delivered. The beautiful feathered creatures of wonder revealed themselves to the visitors of the forbidden land of Kamasylvia. The nobles held parties in joy, while the Xian Merchant Guild packed their storage with gold.
You can receive this item through a [Quest] from Povios in the Grána Dairy Farm , which can be accepted if you have reached Lv. 58, completed the Kamasylvia Main Quest, and have at least 1 amity with Drieghan Chief Durgeff.
They say Povios of the Calpheon Xian Merchant Guild is looking for someone to carry out a secret mission...
Obtained from:
icon - Unexpected Mastermind
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corex 8-07-2021 14:31
Kamasylvia ana görevlerini yaptıktan sonra resimdeki lokasyona gidin. (NPC Bul'a Povios yazıp, Grana şehrinde bulunanı seçin.)
Povios'tan görevi aldıktan sonra, Kara Ruh açılacak ve size yeni görev verecek. KABUL ETMEYİN. Esc tuşuna basıp göreve devam edin.
Not: Eğer görevi Kara Ruh'tan görev alıp tamamladıysan, yeni bir karakter ile yukarıdaki adımları takip edeceksin.
NonyaBidness 27-10-2022 15:13
Google translate says the below. The quest is How a Merchant Guild Survives
After completing the Kamasylvia main quests, go to the location in the picture. (Type Povios in Find NPC and select the one located in the city of Grana.)
After receiving the quest from Povios, the Black Spirit will open and give you a new quest. DO NOT ACCEPT. Press Esc to continue the task.
Note: If you have received and completed the quest from the Black Spirit, you will follow the above steps with a new character.
jlvoutat 29-09-2021 16:25
Depois de completar as missões principais de Kamasylvia, vá para o local na imagem. (Digite Povios em Find NPC e selecione aquele localizado na cidade de Grana.)
Depois de receber a missão de Povios, o Espírito Negro abrirá e lhe dará uma nova missão. NAO ACEITE. Pressione Esc para continuar a tarefa.
Nota: Se você recebeu e completou a missão do Espírito Negro, você seguirá os passos acima com um novo personagem.

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