ID: 10113
An Adventurer's Travel Log
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Category: O'draxxia Adventure Log

- Description:
A book about an adventurer who was carried to unknown lands by a violent storm.
It contains interesting tales such as how the adventurer became a hero to a nation of tiny people, how he was captured and sent to a country of giants and barely escaped, and so on.
During the time when the Ahib were captivated by map dealers and came to hold much interest in the outside world, this book ended up on the hands of many an Ahib. Many of them dreamed of conquering the continents introduced by the book, yet the map and the book were both revealed to be indisputably fictional. Still, some Ahib yearn to journey beyond the Great Ocean in hopes of finding the lands like those described in the book.
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Perhaps you can find this at the Grand Library of O'draxxia.
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Valks300 23-11-2023 00:45
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