ID: 10103
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Category: O'draxxia Adventure Log

- Description:
Books with the same title piled up in a corner of Orzeca Archive.
According to one Ahib who took a book, whenever the High Priestess Qindir preached, the Ahib who couldn't bring a book from home often took the books from here.
Since quite a lot of the Ahib were taking books in a hurry, they would often complain when the books were on a shelf, so the archive would keep them in a pile like this.
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The Orzeca Archive, which surrounds the Garden of Cantarnia, has many helpful books to read.
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cptheyula 12-10-2020 16:27
O'draxxia'da Florence NPC'sinin etrafındaki tüm kitapları okuyun.
Valks300 22-11-2023 20:06
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