ID: 5187
Succession: Guardian's Glory
KR name: 전승 : 가디언의 영광
icon Skill
Class: Guardian

Valiantly unleash the aura of Omua through your honed battle axe.

Required Level: 56 or Higher
Required Points: 3

- Omua's Blessing

The aura surrounding the Guardian's battle axe has been empowered. The Guardian now wields greater power and can launch an unceasing barrage of attacks.
The following skills will be empowered upon Succession.
- Dragon's Calling

You can now instantly channel great power into the battle axe to wield it faster.

- You must first reset your skills in order to learn the skill Succession: Guardian's Glory.
- You cannot learn or use awakening skills if you have learned Succession: Guardian's Glory.
- You cannot learn Succession skills if you have learned Absolute skills.
- You cannot learn Absolute skills if you have learned Succession skills.

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