ID: 1805
KR name: 몽마
icon Skill
Class: Sorceress

Those who witnessed the sorceress slashing the enemies from behind in the blink of an eye say that it just looked like a ghost from a nightmare.
↓ + F to move backward
After using the skill and when under the Nightmare effect, you can move using the direction keys for a while.
↑ + LMB during Nightmare for forward moving attack
↓ + LMB or LMB during Nightmare for standing attack
RMB during Nightmare to attack from behind the enemy
SPACE during Nightmare to cancel Nightmare

Required Level: 57 or Higher
Required Points: 15
Cooldown: 20s

- Awakening: Cartian's Scythe

Attack damage 473% x2
Accuracy Rate +50%
Maximum 10 targets
Super Armor at the start of the skill
Invincible while concealed
Stiffness upon appearing behind the enemy
Stiffness on hits
Down Attack
Nightmare maintained for 5 sec when using the skill


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