ID: 829/8
Before a Great Destruction
KR name: 위대한 파괴, 그 시작에서
icon Quest
Region: All
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Old Moon Logs, Book 8, Chapter 8
What's the latest in all the lands? The Old Moon Logs!
Reach Lv. 58, accept and complete [Adventure Log] Old Moon Logs from the Black Spirit

First quest in the chain:
icon - Artificial Beauty
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Can't Even Trust My Own Eyes
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Heroes Die to Become Stars

Start NPC:
Quest starts automatically
End NPC:
Quest ends automatically

- Description:
Unstoppable Divine Punishment, the Volcano

After enduring through all sorts of hardships and privations, I finally arrived at the famous Gavinya Great Crater. I could feel the intense heat from the volcano emanating through the ground.

Sweating profusely, I found it difficult to breathe due to the strong scent of sulfur filling up the Great Crater. In the end, I couldn't deal with the smell and made a hasty retreat.

Standing before such a dangerous and magnificent object of destruction made me think of how insignificant and vulnerable I am as a human.

No, that cannot be. This volcano erupting might be unstoppable, but we do not have to suffer its consequences. I can think of a way to predict volcanic activity, and prepare in advance. An eruption does not have to be divine punishment we are hopeless against.

Truth unveils its logic in order.
※ This adventure log must be completed in order.




Completion Target: Item
- Solve the secret formula left by Pyresh
Required actions:
  1. Finished quest: Pyresh's Formula VIII

Max HP + 10 (Family-wide)

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