ID: 3409/3
A Meal for the Father
KR name: 아버지를 위한 식사
icon Quest
Region: Northern Calpheon
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - An Unanswered Cry
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Immature Father
Next quest in the chain:
icon - Maudlin Wanderer

Start NPC:
icon - Daughter of the Maudlin Wanderer
End NPC:
icon - Maudlin Wanderer

- Description:
Take the meal the daughter prepared for her father who daydreams all day sitting on a rock near the cliff, looking out into the ocean.

Oh, could you do me a favor if you have time?
I have to prepare a meal for the workers at the farm so I cannot leave.
Could you please take this to my father?
I prepared some food for him since he just sits there and doesn't eat all day...

Please take this meal I prepared to my father.

Are you here to see the glistening ocean as well?

Completion Target: Maudlin Wanderer
- Take the meal the daughter prepared for her father
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Maudlin Wanderer

- Contribution EXP (150)
- Teff Bread
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Immature Father
Required to open quests

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