ID: 1631/1
[Support] An Adventurer on an Endless Journey
KR name: [지원] 끝없는 여정을 떠나는 모험가
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: General Quest
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Start NPC:
icon - Islin Bartali
End NPC:
icon - Islin Bartali

- Description:
Islin Bartali of Velia has encountered countless adventurers. For experienced adventurers returning to Velia, he has a document that will allow them to expand their residence. Seek out Islin Bartali if you have invested 2,000 or more points into your residence.

※ This quest is available only once per Family.
※ This quest will examine only 1 residence with the highest amount of points invested, and not the total invested in all of your residences.
※ You can increase your residence up to 7 slots.

Welcome, Player.
I heard you've had your fair share of lengthy adventures.
How have you been these days?
I'm rather proud of how much you've grown.
Anyway, how comfortable is your current residence?
Hmm... Well, Igor and I have been looking to further ways to support adventurers,
and we've thought of a way to help out wandering adventurers like yourself with their residence.
Of course, this isn't just for any old adventurer, mind you...
Adventurers who've shown a passion for sprucing up their homes are on top of our list.
If you too share such passion, speak to me again!

We're supporting those adventurers who are passionate
about their homes first, so don't delay!

You've quite the passion for your residence.
I hope you'll continue to rest in comfort for the rest of your travels.

Completion Target: Islin Bartali
- Invest 2,000 points into your residence
Required actions:
  1. WRONG_CONDITION:havegamepoint(5,2000)

- Contribution EXP (5)
- Residence +1 Expansion Coupon
Quest requirements
Level: 50+
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Siizum Milidii 6-05-2021 14:45
Easy way to complete this quest is to buy art from an Art Dealer, you can find Ausonio Trevisan in Calpheon. As paintings give a lot more points than furniture (400 - 900 region). They also cost a lot more, and to finish the quest with this method, you would reasonably spend a few mil (4 to be exact).

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