ID: 11201/1
[Event] Sounds From Over the Ridge
KR name: [이벤트] 능선을 넘어 들리는 소리
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Event
Type: Family quest
Level: 1

Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Herb Bloomed from Despair

Start NPC:
Black Spirit
End NPC:
icon - Valentine

- Description:
The Black Spirit said it keeps hearing weird noises from somewhere past Karanda Ridge, and told you to go to Florin, the closest village, and talk with Valentine.

Hey. Do you hear that? Some strange kind of noise?
No? How can you not hear it?
Sounds like it's coming from Karanda Ridge.
Feels like something interesting is afoot.
Florin is the closet village from there, right? Hehe...
Let's go and ask Chief Valentine.

I swear that there's some sound!
Why are you just standing here? Let's hurry up and go!

You've come to this village to investigate some noise?
I don't think we've ever been so loud to be heard over the ridge?
If it wasn't us, then it's definitely the dolls who are making the noise.
The dolls talk among themselves.
You ask me how the village has gotten this way?
This sudden invasion of dolls led to our villagers
getting captured and turned into dolls, one by one.
For no good reason, too.
I don't know when they'll turn me as well.
I'm so scared I can't even sleep.

Completion Target: Valentine
- Go find Chief Valentine of Florin
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Valentine

- Contribution EXP (50)
Quest requirements
Time period: 2020/10/28-09:00 - 2020/11/11-09:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-04:00 - 2020/11/11-04:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-09:00 - 2020/11/11-09:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-04:00 - 2020/11/11-04:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-05:00 - 2020/11/11-05:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-07:00 - 2020/11/11-07:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-04:00 - 2020/11/11-04:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-06:00 - 2020/11/11-06:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-06:00 - 2020/11/11-06:00
Time period: 2020/10/28-10:00 - 2020/11/11-10:00

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