ID: 11187/2
[Event] Adventurer's Expert Form at Sea
KR name: [이벤트] 바닷길에 노련한 모습을 보이는 모험가
icon Quest
Region: All
Category: Event
Type: Family quest
Level: 1
Repeat: 3d

First quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Adventurer's First Sea Voyage
Next quest in the chain:
icon - [Event] Adventurer Enjoys the Fierce Waves

Start NPC:
icon - Proix
End NPC:
icon - Proix

- Description:
Proix seeks to supply goods to aid adventurers who are experienced with building ships. Take out the Sea Creatures Proix spoke of.

※ You can receive the quest again at midnight (server time) 3 days after completion.
※ This quest can be completed even after the event period ends.

We meet again, haha!
I've a rather difficult request for you this time.
Hey now. It's not that scary that you should be
trembling in your shoes already, haha!
Have you heard of Oquilla's Eye, by any chance?
Apparently, Hungry Sea Creatures have migrated down from there to this place...
I think that if we strike first, they'll think twice before coming here again.
What do you think?
Go take them out and send them packing away from here,
and I'll give you some precious materials to help improve your ship equipment!

They're located in a far off place...
so make sure you've made the proper preparations.

Haha, you've returned in one piece!
So, how do you feel to have taken out those sea creatures?

Completion Target: Proix
- Take out Hekaru
- Take out Ocean Stalker
Required actions:
  1. Kill monsters (5):


    - Hekaru
  2. Kill monsters (5):


    - Ocean Stalker

- Sailing Skill EXP
- Solar Black Stone
- Lunar Black Stone
Quest requirements
Time period: 2020/10/21-09:00 - 2020/11/04-09:00
Time period: 2020/10/21-10:00 - 2020/11/04-10:00
Time period: 2020/10/21-04:00 - 2020/11/04-04:00
Time period: 2020/10/21-09:00 - 2020/11/04-09:00
Time period: 2020/10/21-04:00 - 2020/11/04-04:00
Time period: 2020/10/21-05:00 - 2020/11/04-05:00
Time period: 2020/10/21-07:00 - 2020/11/04-07:00
Time period: 2020/10/21-04:00 - 2020/11/04-04:00
Time period: 2020/08/26-09:00 - 2020/09/09-05:00

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